Yes, seeds are heterogeneous. This means that they have a variety of different characteristics, some of which may be desirable and others which may not be. For example, one seed may be larger than another, or have a different color or flavor. This heterogeneity is what allows plants to adapt to different environments and produce a wide range of different types of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits are heterogeneous. This means that they have different parts that are all their own. For example, the skin, the flesh, and the seeds of a fruit are all different.

Seed is a heterogeneous mixture. The different parts of a seed – the embryo, the endosperm, and the seed coat – come from different parts of the mother plant.

  1. Heterogeneous populations are composed of different types of individuals. 2. Heterogeneous environments are composed of different types of habitats.3. Heterogeneous societies are composed of different types of cultures.4. Heterogeneous economies are composed of different types of industries.5. Heterogeneous classrooms are composed of different ability levels and backgrounds.6. Heterogeneous groups are composed of different personality types.

Milk tea is a heterogeneous mixture because it contains two different types of substances: tea and milk. Tea is a solid, while milk is a liquid. When these two substances are mixed together, they don’t form a new substance, but instead remain separate. This makes milk tea a heterogeneous mixture.

Milk is a heterogeneous mixture because it contains different types of particles (fat, protein, water, etc.). These particles are not uniformly distributed and can be seen when milk is poured into a glass.

Chocolate milk is heterogeneous because it contains two different types of substances: chocolate and milk.

Homogenous means “of the same kind” and heterogeneous means “of different kinds.” For example, if you have a jar of sand that is all one color, it is homogenous. If you have a jar of sand with different colors and sizes of sand particles, it is heterogeneous.

A heterogeneous mixture is a physical combination of two or more substances in which each substance retains its own chemical identity and properties. A heterogeneous mixture can be physically separated into its individual components by physical means. Some examples of heterogeneous mixtures are sand and water, oil and vinegar, and salt and pepper.A homogeneous mixture is a physical combination of two or more substances in which each substance is uniformly mixed with the other.

H2O (water) is a homogeneous mixture of hydrogen and oxygen.Air is a homogeneous mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases.Milk is a homogeneous mixture of water, fat, protein, and sugar.Fruit juice is a homogeneous mixture of water, sugar, and fruit flavors.Salad dressing is a homogeneous mixture of oil, vinegar, and seasonings.

A homogeneous mixture is a substance that is evenly mixed throughout. This can be done physically by stirring or shaking, or chemically by dissolving the ingredients.

A homogeneous mixture is a substance made up of two or more substances that are evenly mixed together. There are many different types of homogeneous mixtures, but here are three examples:1. A glass of water is a homogeneous mixture of water and air.2. A can of soda is a homogeneous mixture of carbon dioxide, water, and sugar.