You must notify us of an issue with your item within 7 days after it has been delivered in order to be protected by our Buyer Protection. You don’t have to pay a deposit if you’re collecting something: If you’ve seen and liked something, only pay for it when you’ve confirmed that the seller is genuine.

To obtain the seller’s return address and information, contact us or the seller before the end of their return period. Pack item appropriately and send it back unused. Get proof of postage with a tracking ID if possible. The seller will refund your money to the original payment method after it has been returned.

If you want to cancel a collection arrangement, you must contact the other user directly. If they agree that the goods should be relisted by the seller, the original agreement will be canceled automatically. Please go to our website and use the form on our home page to contact us.

We provide specialized support for all of the items on the website. If something goes wrong with your purchase, whether it doesn’t arrive or isn’t as described, we’ll fully refund you.

You may use your Shpock Wallet to pay for things you sell without the risk of fraudulent charges or identity theft. Here’s how it works! To get started, you’ll need to create a Wallet.