It is possible to donate any part of your body. But generally, it’s not possible and illegal to donate or sell your testicles when you’re alive. I can’t lie though; sources say that one testicle can cost about 28-35 thousand dollars or more, especially if you have your testicles insured. Like if you lose your testicles when working for the government, you could receive up to 100 thousand dollars! But of course, the price is insignificant to other more vital organs, especially on the black market.

Donating a Testicle

Unless you choose to donate it after you die, don’t do it. Even if you plan to donate your testicles for science, sources shared that the testicles are unimportant now for science as the organ has enough research. Donating your testicles when you’re alive is very rare, and attempting to sell your testicles can be very illegal. Let’s say someone needs a testicle transplant; the missing testicle is usually replaced with a prosthetic one. However, there are two prominent cases of the successful penis or testicle transplants in the US. 

The first case happened in 2018 when the world’s first-ever full penis transplant took place at the John Hopkins Hospital. The Verge reported that it is technically not the first-ever penis transplant, but it is the first comprehensive transplant where the transplant included parts of the lower abdomen, the entire penis, and the scrotum. The transplant was done on a US veteran. Before you get excited and want to donate or sell parts of your penis, here’s the catch, the transplant was from a deceased person. 

You may think, where are the testicles? (note: scrotum and testicles are not the same). The doctors didn’t transplant the testicles into the US veteran’s body because, with it, the person will have the deceased person’s sperm and DNA. So if there’s a possibility for kids, it won’t be his kid. The doctors thought there were so many blurred lines ethically, so they decided not to transplant the testicles.

Then comes 2019. The New York Times reported on a successful testicle transplant done in the United States by a doctor named Dr. Dicken Ho. The testicle transplant was done on a 36-year-old twin born without testicles, and the donator is the other twin himself. Although testicle transplants can be life-changing for people born without them, who lost them, or transgender people, the paper mentioned the same question, “is it ethical?” as there’s a huge possibility that they may father children who are not theirs. I think it shouldn’t matter if the donor-recipient wants kids and doesn’t mind, but multiple articles brought that question up.

Protect Your Balls

As we’re on the topic, I would like to use this time to raise awareness of testicular cancer. According to the Testicular Cancer Society, one guy dies from testicular cancer every day. Although, if diagnosed and treated early, a man will have a survival rate of 99%! Testicular cancer is rare, but it is the most common cancer in men ages 15 to 50. There are multiple reasons men can get testicular cancer: family medical history, undescended testes, and previous experience of testicular cancer. Hence, it’s important to occasionally do full-body health checks and inspect your testicles at home! Here are some tips and how:

Check your testicles at least once a month. Check your testicles after a nice warm shower which relaxes the scrotum, making self-examination easier. It’s normal if your testicle sizes are not the same or if one’s lower than the other. Although if you’re alarmed, consult a doctor because it could be tumorous other than cancer. Stand in front of a mirror and check your testicles separately. Hold your testicles in between your thumb and feel around. Cancer in testicles usually feels lumpy and swells. Feel for any differences in weight, shape, and consistency of the testicles. Testicular cancer is generally painless, making testicular cancer go undetected for a long time!

There are plenty of free YouTube videos online that can guide you through self-examining your testicles. Testicular Cancer Society even has its app called “Ball Checker,” which provides information on the disease and how to do a testicular exam! 


Testicle donation is legal, but it’s usually donated after death. Even if you’re trying to donate it for medical research, the chances of them taking it are unlikely since the testicle is already pretty thoroughly researched. When talking about testicle transplants, it’s not a piece of cake kind of surgery. Just like any other organ transplant, it requires a lot of testing to ensure that the donor and the recipient are a match. Due to its complexity and not so critical, “you need it to live” kind of organ, people who need testicle transplants will usually get a prosthetic one. So, your testicles can cost a lot depending on if it’s insured, weird circumstances, or you work for the government. But if you’re trying to give away your testicles for no reason, just for money, don’t. 

Can a man live with one testicle?

Yes. Although, doctor checkups are required to ensure everything’s okay.

Can you get an erection without a testis?

Yes. You can still get an erection even without testicles. Although, it might occur less or doesn’t last long.

Can a man with one testicle have babies?

Yes. But like getting an erection, the success rate will not be as high.