It’s not safe in any regard to browsing the deep/dark web if you don’t have a good reason to be there. If you’re using Tor to go on the Clear Web, your connection would be incredibly safe. However, if you want to surf the deep web, you’d have to make sure you’re using a VPN service and that you aren’t going to any sites that have content that’s illegal in your country unless however, the site is a deep web news source. Those are legal anywhere.

Using Tor To Surf The Clear Web

The Tor Browser and the system it uses to help you access the internet is incredibly secured. Instead of just encrypting your information once and then sending the packets back and forth in one connection, the Tor browser takes the packets being sent and passes them through multiple layers of encryption. The data is encrypted this way in both directions, so many attacks are near impossible.

So, why would you use this to surf the Clear Web?  It’s actually much safer to use the Tor browser to surf the clear web than it is to use other browsers. The Tor browser takes sensitive information and encrypts it incredibly heavily. So, let’s say you’re sending your credit card information over a network. To be sure about its security, would you feel better using Tor (given what you know about it now), or Chrome? Personally, I’d go with Tor.

A lot of people also live in very restrictive countries. Using the Tor browser is actually necessary for a lot of people to even access the majority of the internet. Without Tor, a large number of people would be completely cut off from the world. The Internet keeps us all connected. Some countries try to restrict that connection by setting up firewalls and making their internet centralized. Some people are able to get around this thanks to VPNs and Tor.

Using Tor To Surf The Deep Web

As I stated in the beginning, you shouldn’t enter the Deep Web unless you have a good reason to. Many people on the Deep Web are dangerous, and allowing that type of traffic onto your network could be detrimental to you. You need to be careful about where you go and how you get there. First, I’d recommend using a VPN service on top of using the Tor browser. Even if someone gets through all the levels of encryption the Tor browser has set in place, the VPN can be used as a final line of defense.

Personally, I’d recommend using Tor only to look for news sources and documents that you may not be able to find on the Clear Web. Many people use the Deep Web as a way to spread freedom of information. It’s uncensored and largely unbiased. Deep Web news sources aren’t run by a central large news corporation and will bring you the actual facts about what’s happening around the world.

I would also recommend checking out websites from different countries when you connect to those countries through the connections. Each country has its own type of internet and its own websites you can access that you may not be able to in your country. The Deep Web is more universal than the Clear Web. All sites are accessible by anyone, anywhere, at any time. Just make sure you know where a link leads to before clicking on it. Don’t click on links without knowing exactly where it will lead you and why you’re going there. Even if you have protections set up on your computer to keep yourself anonymous, you could still be tracked.

Reasons Why You’d Use Tor

There is a multitude of reasons why someone may use Tor. It all depends on where you are, what you’re trying to access, and the level of protection you’re needing. If you’re in the US using the clear web, you may not want to necessarily use the Tor browser (although it would increase security). However, if you’re in a more restrictive country, you may need to use the Tor browser to get around the firewall blocking access to the majority of the internet.

I would also recommend using Tor if you’re sending any sensitive information over the internet (along with a VPN). For example, you’d want your credit card information as secure as possible. If you’re shopping for anything, I’d recommend using the Tor browser to do it. Anything that you may need to send sensitive information for, I would recommend using the Tor browser rather than a standard browser.

Now it goes without saying if you’re trying to access .onion links you’re going to need to be on the Tor browser. Onion links aren’t accessible using any other browser aside from the Tor browser. You should never go to a .onion link unless you know where you’re going, and only if the content is legal in your country. There are many safe forums and news sources to access on the deep web, so I encourage you to check those out. However, you must know that where you are going is safe before going there.


The Tor browser is an amazing browser that allows an incredibly secure extra layer of protection. It can be used for surfing the Clear Web as well as the Deep Web. There’s an unlimited amount of things you can do with this browser. You just have to make sure you’re safe while using the Tor network and not accessing places you know are illegal. Many of the sites are honey pots set up by the government to catch people in illegal activity. Do not share any personal information on the internet in general unless you know the source is reputable. Have fun using Tor!