David Lynch had never intended for the Laura Palmer murder to be solved, but following pressure from the network and viewers, her killer was revealed early in season 2. This had a major effect on Twin Peaks, which notably floundered with goofy subplots and a lack of purpose for most of the episodes that followed. The show was cancelled at the end of season 2 on a cliffhanger ending, while Lynch tried to put Laura back to the forefront with prequel movie Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. Despite being reevaluated as a great piece of work, the film was widely hated at the time and bombed on release.

David Lynch and Mark Frost would head back to the titular town with 2017’s Twin Peaks: The Return, which delighted and baffled audiences in equal measure. For those who wish to return to Twin Peaks or visit the peaceful little town for the first time, the first two seasons are currently available to stream on both Netflix and Hulu in the U.S. Twin Peaks: The Return can be found on the Showtime app and the series can also be rented or purchased from platforms like iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu.

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me can also be viewed on the Criterion Channel. While Twin Peak: The Return ended on an ambiguous note - to say the very least - it’s still unknown if David Lynch will return to the show. The filmmaker had all but retired before the 2017 revival and has stated an interest in Twin Peaks season 4, but unless inspiration strikes its easy to imagine him preferring to end on a strong note.

In October 2019 a YouTube video arrived that purported to explain Twin Peaks’ story, from the first season through to The Return. Since David Lynch is unlikely to ever explain his intentions - preferring to let the audience have their own interpretations - this Twin Peaks explainer does an excellent job diving into the show’s many mysteries so fans should give it a try.

Next: Twin Peaks Properly Explained By Incredible 4.5 Hour Video