Animal rights activists have long been against this dish, because of many reasons. And, although things have changed, it is still a very ugly crime.

Is Veal ethical?

Is it ethical to eat at Veal? Absolutely not. Eating meat is an ancient habit of the human species, but one that should be changed. Slowly, yes, maybe, as most profound changes are, but still, we should make the change. 

How are these calves grown and treated, before they are… harvested? Well, this is the story of how veal goes into your plate. First, once the calf is born, it is taken from its mother and fed formula with no iron, so he is always anemic; they do this, so the flesh remains pale. So, no mommy love for them. While they do this, they are put in a cage called veal crates, where they can’t move, not even turn around. They are even, sometimes, tethered, so they move even less, this, so the meat stays tender. And this is how they spend their 16 to 18 weeks of life. 

These crates have been forbidden in some places, and eating veal is sort of frowned upon, but it still happens a lot. If eating beef is cruel, imagine eating veal. 

New processes 

Like with many things, new processes have come to make people happy. Now, they treat these calves a lot better, or so they say. For example, first, because they have no immunity to diseases, they are put in individual pens, so they can grow some sort of immunity. And then, after 8 weeks of being alone, they are put with other calves. And, then, they can socialize, move around and, well, be happy for a little while. 

While all this is happening, veterinarians and farmers are looking very closely at the calf, so they grow according to plan. They receive water and proper alimentation. Everything is provided. Then, after six months, they are “harvested”. 

Types of veal

You have the Bob veal, and the Slink veal, which are just crueler forms of veal. Because they are days or a few weeks old when slaughtered. And Slink veal is from unborn calves. Sometimes adult cows, when killed, are pregnant, as that is your Slink veal. However, this type of meat is prohibited in many places, such as the United States and Canada. 

Veal crates

These prisons are being prohibited and banned in more places all the time, so, they are actually on their way out. But this only is causing Bob veal to grow in popularity. This is because, without the crates, the calves can move around and so his muscles grow firm. But, if you slaughter the calve young enough, there is no time for that. So, Bob veal is super tender meat, something that many people like. 

Here are the states in which these crates are being prohibited: 

Arizona, California, Colorado, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Ohio, and Rhode Island. And, in New York and Massachusetts, it is about to be. But not yet. 

Although it is a step forward, one wonders if this is a good thing. 

Humane veal

Now, there is a new thing: Humane veal. This type of veal is grown more humanely, as they say. With no crates and treated better. Nevertheless, they are killing the animal in a very short time. Human rights activists are still not happy about this. Also, because of the process being different, some health concerns are arriving. Because now the calves are not isolated, diseases can come and kill them before. This means that the veal industry needs to adjust and find new procedures so veal can still be served on your plate. 

Although eating veal is a crime beyond imagination, eating meat is too. It causes a lot of suffering, and, if that is not enough, it is destroying the planet. Something has to be made. Decisions have to be taken. Or else. 


Eating veal is not ethical. Producing veal is not ethical. That whole industry is not ethical. It is hard to change, especially if you think about all the thousands of years we’ve been eating meat. But a better life is possible. A better life for us, and a better life for other animals. 

The earth is asking for this change, anyway. If you don’t want to do it for the suffering and pain caused to other living things, at least do it for the future of your species, our species. That should be enough motivation. 

Our recommendation is: don’t eat veal and don’t normalize others doing it.  

Is veal good for you?

Yes, it is good for you. It is a horrible crime, but the meat is much healthier than regular beef. 

Can you freeze veal?

Yes, you can.