Is It Cruelty-Free?

Though Wet n Wild has increased its product sales to China, it does not conduct animal testing there or anyplace else in the world. It has also collaborated with PETA to take the further steps necessary to assure that no animal experiments for its goods are done in the future.

Following the publication of inaccurate information about post-market testing, various sources in contact with Chinese regulatory officials were contacted to confirm that post-market testing is not — and has never been — conducted using animal experimentation.

The firm issued an official statement in reaction to the rumors, claiming, “Wet n Wild does not test on animals. Wet n Wild is a global beauty brand that appeals to people of different ages, ethnicities, skin tones, ideologies, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Cruelty-free is an essential value for our company. Watsons launched a trial initiative with 30 outlets in China in 2018 to provide our products to beauty fans. The goods sold in China are made in the country and so do not necessitate animal testing.”

Chinese Policies for Cruelty-Free Products 

Two years after PETA revealed that some cosmetics companies were paying the Chinese government to conduct animal tests to market their products in the country, the government announced a regulatory change that allows companies making non-special use cosmetics in China to sell their products without using animals. 

Foundation, eye shadow, lipstick, mascara, and scents that do not make a “functional” claim are examples of non-special use cosmetics. To be eligible for the exemption, these items must be manufactured in China. Companies selling in China must only retail domestically produced non-special use cosmetics to be qualified for addition on PETA’s Global Beauty without Bunnies cruelty-free list. 

They must commit to not introducing any products that would necessitate animal testing; to withdrawing their products from the region rather than allowing animal testing; and to informing Chinese authorities of this policy so that they are notified and can withdraw their products from the market if animal testing is required for their products.

Not So Black And White

Despite receiving clearance from several authorities, several organizations say it is still unclear whether Wet n Wild is cruelty-free because they haven’t provided enough information.

At first sight, Wet n Wild’s official statement makes it appear like the company is cruelty-free. Unfortunately, when it comes to animal research in China, things aren’t always black and white, and there are a lot of gray areas.

Even though the brand was able to avoid pre-market animal testing rules, it is expected that their products will still be subjected to post-market animal testing. As Cruelty-Free Kitty recently revealed, it does not improve the companies’ image. 

The Logical Harmony Cruelty-Free Brand List will no longer include Wet n Wild because it no longer meets the Logical Harmony criterion (since it can be subject to post-market animal testing at any time). Animal testing cannot take place at any time or by any party for a brand to be deemed cruelty-free. This comprises everything from the materials to the products that are put on the market for sale.

Post-Market Animal Testing

Animal testing after a product has been approved for sale to the general public is known as post-market animal testing. This means that they are taken from store shelves to undergo testing.

No substantial proof can be found that brands have any influence over post-market testing. At any point, the Chinese authorities could recall any cosmetics for non-routine post-market testing. Thus, the brand cannot escape it.

Cosmetics that have been subjected to post-market animal testing are still on the market, and we as consumers should be aware of this. Wet n Wild is unlikely to be able to prevent it, especially since it can happen at any time.


In all fairness, and considering the complexity of the matter of selling their products in mainland China, it is best to go ahead and mark Wet n Wild as not being cruelty-free.

Are there any groups that have certified Wet n Wild to be cruelty-free?

Yes, PETA has certified Wet n Wild. However, on the other hand, it will no longer be on the Logical Harmony Cruelty-Free Brand List as it doesn’t meet the criteria. 

Is the brand vegan?

Wet n Wild may offer some items that are devoid of animal-derived components or by-products, but because the company is no longer recognized as cruelty-free or is in the gray area, its products are no longer totally vegan by default.