Several users have noted that when they fire up an app that utilizes the camera, the Nexus 5’s processor maxes out stays there, causing some serious battery drain. It’s unclear how many people have been affected by the bug or if it plagues other devices with non-stock versions of Android. has only verified this issue with the Nexus 5. In the official Android Issue Tracker forums, a oject Member writes: Not sure if you’re afflicted? You can head to Settings then Battery to see if “mm-qcamera-daemon” is being a “demon” to your device. Until a maintenance release (likely Android 4.4.3) is pushed out, suggests uninstalling apps like Skype that actively use the camera app. “Other camera-using applications may trigger this bug as well, but that’s been relatively rare,” writes the oject Member. “Most applications also do not access the camera when not in the foreground, so they will only trigger issues when actively used.”