In truth, it seems Botnia is made possible by skin science and a little bit of magic. The care and dedication that goes into the creation of the brand’s products is self-evident. Founder and CEO Justine Kahn started Botnia a year and a half ago. She described the feeling of founding her own company as both exciting and terrifying, like jumping off a cliff. After years of working as an esthetician, however, she could no longer avoid the fact that the skin care she envisioned for her clients simply didn’t exist. Thus Botnia was born, driven by a deep knowledge and understanding of botanicals and rooted in plant biology research she and her husband have pored over for years.

“People deserve better,” Justine explained in regards to why she’s so entirely passionate about her work. “There should be more oversight. It’s very difficult to be a consumer today. You want to trust a brand to have your best interest, but so often that’s not the case.”

// Read the full interview by purchasing Issue 7 below and subscribing to #BobCutPlus here! Photography by Alora King.