Stephen King’s epic novel IT is so long and detailed that adapting it into a single film would have been nearly impossible. Even adapting it into a two-parter was difficult, and the entirety of Andy Muschietti’s IT duology still clocks in at well over five hours long. But of course, what would any audience want or expect in a story that spans decades and focuses on a supernatural battle between the good in humanity and an unknown and seemingly indestructible force of evil.

Although the Losers Club are the unfortunate souls tasked with the mission of destroying It for good, they’re characters who aren’t necessarily all cut out for the job. As a team they’re incredible, but each member of the Club has their own moral impulses and beliefs that drive their developments forward. So here are all of the characters in IT Chapter Two, along with their Dungeons & Dragons character alignments.

The Shopkeeper - True Neutral

The shopkeeper makes a very brief but very memorable appearance in IT Chapter Two. His being memorable probably has something to do with the fact that he’s played by Stephen King.

Despite the fact that the shopkeeper has presumably spent most of his life in Derry, it doesn’t seem like he has succumbed to the evil that consumes the town or done much to fight against it. In his interaction with Bill it seems like he is just purely out for himself and pays no mind to what is necessarily good or bad, he is just looking for as much of a payout as he can get.

Henry Bowers - Neutral Evil


In a film that focuses on an epic, insane, magical villain like Pennywise it’s almost quaint to include a villain like Henry Bowers. He was a traditional bully on steroids as a child, and now he’s the classic mentally deranged killer villain as an adult.

Henry’s only “friend” left seems to be Pennywise, and he is more than happy to be doing the dancing clown’s dirty work by going after the Losers in a big way. Henry doesn’t seem to care or think about anything that he does, he seems to be acting purely on impulse or on Pennywise’s direction, and everything he does is evil.

Mike Hanlon - Lawful Good

Everyone in the Losers Club has managed to escape Derry and leave the trauma of Pennywise behind them, with the notable exception of Mike Hanlon. Mike has dedicated his entire life to discovering what Pennywise is and learning how to defeat him and ensuring that he and the rest of the Losers have the best shot possible when It inevitably returns to Derry to start terrorizing the town again.

Mike is a warrior for good, unlike anyone else in the town and unlike most people in the world, but he wants to learn every rule to the game so he knows he can win it.

Ben Hascom - Neutral Good

Like everyone else in the Losers Club, Ben Hanscom is pulled back into a horror show that he had completely forgotten about by Mike Hanlon. And while everyone in the Club has a different reaction to the news that they have to go up against some ancient demon, Ben’s is pretty much down to do what’s right from the get-go

Of course, he’s scared like everyone else, but when most of the Losers are looking to flee Ben is not, and in some instances, he’s even the one who is talking them into staying. He has a good heart and intrinsic need to do what he thinks is morally right.

Stanley Uris - True Neutral

Stanley Uris is the type of person who wants to be strong and heroic but ultimately knows that he’s not. He’s not a bad guy and he certainly wants all of his friends to win their battle against It, but he doesn’t want to be, or he can’t be, a part of it.

He’s only strong enough to make one final contribution to the Losers Club, and he ultimately leaves the fate of the Losers, of Derry, and of the world in the hands of everyone else. He will avoid this fight at all costs, which makes him a true neutral character.

Eddie Kaspbrak - Lawful Neutral

Eddie Kasprak has always been a neurotic, hypochondriac freak. His anxiety level is always at a 10 and he cares more about following the rules than anything else. In fact, when he or someone around him is doing something that he doesn’t think is correct then he’ll work himself up into a full blown asthma attack just thinking about it.

His loyalty to his friends gets him pretty far in the war against Pennywise, but if it weren’t for them then he wouldn’t have even ventured down into that filthy sewer in the first place, and he definitely wouldn’t have done it the second time around.

Richie Tozier - Chaotic Neutral

No one on earth has any idea of what Richie Tozier is thinking, planning, or doing from one moment to the next, least of all Richie.

Richie’s self preservation instincts override nearly everything else, and while he would rather do the good thing than the wrong thing, he’s more than willing to do what’s wrong if he thinks it will keep him safer.

In IT Chapter Two he’s being pulled into a fight that he wants no part of, and he’s yet another member of the Losers Club who would have high tailed it out of town long ago if it weren’t for his loyalty and affection towards his friends.

Bill Denbrough - Lawful Good

Although Mike Hanlon is the one who kept the torch alive for the Losers Club and their war against Pennywise, it was Bill’s desire to do the right thing when no one else would that initially pulled the group into this supernatural drama in the first place.

Bill has a very strong moral compass and he not only wants to do the right thing, he wants to do the right thing in what he believes to be the right way. If that means squaring off against Pennywise on his own in the hopes of protecting everyone else in the group, then so be it.

Beverly Marsh - Chaotic Good

Beverly Marsh may have the distinction of being the only girl in the Losers Club, but that’s certainly not the only way in which she distinguishes herself from the rest of the pack.

Beverly has always been the most aggressive member of the Losers Club, and while she has a very strong compulsion to do what she thinks is right she also has a tendency to act without thinking at all. She sometimes does things that are “wrong” (like nailing another kid in the face with a rock, for example) in service of getting the right outcome or serving up what she believes is justice.

Pennywise - Chaotic Evil

Pennywise the dancing clown isn’t just a character who falls under the Dungeons & Dragons character alignment of chaotic evil, he is literally chaos and evil made flesh.

Pennywise feeds off negative emotions and feelings as well as feeding off of the literal flesh of children, and he feeds his appetites by sowing as much chaos and horror as he possibly can.

He makes every fear that someone can imagine into reality (or into a very realistic illusion), and he can conjure up a lot of horrors that the human mind wouldn’t even think of. It’s not hard to believe that Pennywise is the source of all of the evil chaos in the world.