On June 4th, Blizzard released a blog announcing that the new hero is none other than Magni, dwarven King of Ironforge.
Rather than being a stand-alone hero, Magni is a skin for the current Warrior class hero, Garrosh. In addition to changing the hero portrait, the Magni skin also comes with a custom card back usable with all decks, a special default animation, a unique hero power animation, a new play arena, and custom emotes, including a custom entrance animation and voice over.
The hero skin is purchasable in-game through the cash shop. Purchase of the hero skin only affects the class hero and does not change any of the cards associated with that class, add any cards to that class, nor are any of the skins considered new classes. Currently, only Magni is scheduled for release; however, more heroes are anticipated soon!
Which hero skins would you like to see released? Comment below.
Hearthstone is available free from Blizzard’s Battle.net service. Hero skins will be priced at $9.99 USD each.