As per news report, the superstar money manager’s better half barely gotten away from death in the wake of burning down their Lagos home.

Airhead is presently in torment at an emergency clinic subsequent to being almost scorched to death during a fight with her significant other.

The episode happened on Wednesday, October 12, at their home in Megamound bequest, Lekki, Lagos.

Sources said that Airhead had faced her better half over the steady beatings she gets from the firearm, and a battle followed.

The source, who called for help, hurried her and IVD to the emergency clinic. Tragically, Airhead was totally singed.

Airhead called him out for abusive behavior at home in a progression of Instagram posts in 2020. The car vendor supposedly beat her until she dropped, as indicated by reports.

— Spooky Bimbodeer Time 👻👻👻 (@BimboDeer) October 12, 2022

Airhead affirmed the reports, expressing that she had lived in discipline for a considerable length of time while her family kept on supporting her family for her better half to rise. What she has received in kind is an example of cheating and beatings.

She uncovered that IVD, who had secured himself as a decent finance manager of many exchanges, had over and over pointed his weapon at her within the sight of their kids, and the last she had was the point at which he beat her as a result of his brother.