What will these new software titles include?  Likely a lot of upgrades, stability enhancements, etc. We know there is a spreadsheet application in iWork, you can see parts of it when you open an excel file on and iPhone or in Leopard in Quicklook.  But what else?

A Blooging.app Why?  Because it makes perfect sense.   Blogging is blowing up from both a consumer and business standpoint and wants to hit mainstream very badly.   Presently, only mildly techie people can blog effectively and most people are unaware of how to blog at all.  Tools like Ecto, Journaler and MarsEdit don’t cut it.  They do connect to proper blogging platforms (iWeb closed platform app need not apply) like Blogger, Worpress, MT, Drupal and the like, however, it isn’t simple and isn’t reliable. This is a wide open area where Apple can take the lead on Microsoft, Sun and even Google in the Office productivity arena.   Could Apple be doing for the blogging culture what it has done for the computer, word processing, , music, digital camera, video editing (on and on) cultures before it–allowing the other 80% in on the fun?  We can only hope.