In Jumanji: The Next Level new players take on familiar avatars, leaving Karen Gillan’s Martha as the most experienced member of the crew. Additional cast members, such as Awkwafina, round out the sequel which premieres on December 13. Gillan, Awkwafina, and Jack Black chatted with Screen Rant about big moments for their characters – as well as who Black should play if he ever joins his costars in the MCU.

First and foremost, amazing job. This movie is why go to the movies; I had such a big smile on my face walking out of this. Talk to me about how the scope is bigger and how the characters grow in this film.

I love your character, Awkwafina. I don’t want to spoil anything, but you channel one of the other actors in this film. Did that actor give you any advice on your portrayal of him?

Karen Gillan: I mean, we’re in brand new worlds in this level of Jumanji. We’re not just in the jungle anymore; we’re in the desert and we’re on snow-capped mountains and all of these new environments that present new challenges for us. And we have some new players in the game. Over to you!

Jack, last time around you told Screen Rant that you wanted to see the origin of the game explored. Do you think that we’ll get closer to there in the next one?

Awkwafina: You know, it’s a funny thing. You want to study them, obviously, their body of work. But you also want to see who they are in the movie, so one thing that we were able to do is - because the real world was filmed before - we were able to go and look back at the footage that they shot. That was very helpful.

But yeah, I think this is the only time possibly in my entire career that I’ll ever be able to do exactly what I did in this context. So, it’s a really cool thing as an actor to do.

Karen, I love Martha and I’m so happy she’s at the forefront of this of this whole story. She’s really leading the charge. Can you talk to me a little bit about how she views the other players this time around?

Jack Black: Well, if I have anything to say about it, that’s what’s going to happen. It’s going to be all about who created the game Jumanji, and it will take us into deep space to the alien technology behind the game.

On set, I’m sure that there’s a lot of riffing and maybe you guys wanted to embody some of the other actors in this film. Is there anybody on set that you guys wanted to embody that didn’t make it to the final cut?

Karen Gillan: In the last movie, she was kind of bookish and nerdy and socially awkward, and she was beginning to discover her inner badass. In this film, because she’s the only original player in her original avatar, she sort of has to lead the charge. She’s kind of just looking around, going, “Oh my goodness, we’re going to die.”

Because we’ve got two old men who don’t understand the concept of a video game, let alone being in one, and then we’ve got Fridge, who’s just freaking out about his new avatar. And so she has to really step up into that leadership position.

Nora, you’re joining one of my favorite superheroes, Shang Chi. Did Karen give you any advice from being in the MCU?

Karen Gillan: I’ve always wanted to play an old lawyer. I forgot I was talking out loud.

Awkwafina: What? It’s been a look into Karen’s psyche.

Karen Gillan: For a minute, you got in there.

Jack, you’re next, right? Hopefully. 

Karen Gillan: I should!

Awkwafina: Yeah, we haven’t had a real chance to like sit down and talk about it. But I definitely would ask her about some tips.

Karen Gillan: That’s so exciting. Welcome to the universe.

MCU. Hopefully, we can get you in there too somewhere. 

Jack Black: What do you mean?

Any character that you want to portray? 

Jack Black: Oh, yeah.

More: Danny Glover & Danny DeVito Interview for Jumanji 3

Jack Black: No. I can’t say - no one’s coming to mind. Oh, it’d be fun to play like an evil dude like Kingpin. Yeah, I don’t know. Maybe the Thing? It’d be rad to be that rock dude from the Fantastic Four.

Awkwafina: You really want to play a villain, I feel.

Jack Black: I don’t know. The rock dude’s not a villain. The Thing, he’s a good guy.

Awkwafina: What about Groot?

Jack Black: That’s just voice work. That’s easy.

Karen Gillan: Yeah, there’s only one line.

Jack Black: Yeah, and I think that Fast and the Furious guy is not going to be letting go of that sweet gig anytime soon. That is some easy money he’s making over there as Groot. All he has to do is say “Groot!” He’s got one line! Dude, that whole job is probably 20 minutes of time in the recording studio. Sweet gig, dude. Great work.

  • Jumanji 3 Release Date: 2019-12-13