The person in question, Jacquelyn Smith, a specialist for Aberdeen Proving Ground, was lethally wounded on December 1, 2018, by her significant other called 911 that evening, saying a beggar in East Baltimore had cut his better half.

Keith, regarding the cutting demise of his better half, Jacquelyn Smith, a killing he endeavored to fault on a vagabond, a jury in December viewed Keith Smith to be blameworthy of first-degree murder and a weapons charge.

While getting back from praising his girl’s birthday, Keith Smith let criminal investigators know that his better half endeavored to give a begging couple $10 close to the convergence of East Chase and Valley roads. He said the beggars wounded his better half and grabbed her neckband and wallet.

Notwithstanding, as per the declaration in court, Jacquelyn Smith was resting off in the vehicle when her significant other wounded her somewhere multiple times. Judge Jennifer Schiffer of the Baltimore City Circuit Court denounced Keith Smith for killing his better half with “conscious and pernicious aim.”

Jacquelyn Smith Murder Case Update After Keith killed his better half, her significant other, Keith Smith, and his girl left the city. After 90 days, they were secured around 1,700 miles from Maryland and near the boundary with Mexico.

Police proof included cellphone information, reconnaissance video, and Keith Smith’s conflicting assertions about the wrongdoing.

The casualty’s family said Jacquelyn cherished her better half and believed their marriage should work.

Her better half and little girl mercilessly killed Jacquelyn and afterward put murder by giving it to the beggar.

A BPD official went to Johns Hopkins Hospital on December 1, 2018, at around 12:34 in the AM, about a wounding. At the point when they showed up, the clinical staff informed the official that a grown-up female with many cut injuries was taken to the medical clinic by her better half.

Her better half, Keith Tyrone Smith, perceived the casualty as Jacquelyn Anne Smith. Mrs. Smith was pronounced dead at 12:48 in the first part of the day in spite of endeavors by clinical work force to save her.

Where Could Keith Smith Now be? A Baltimore City jury viewed Keith to be blameworthy of all charges of first-degree murder and conveying a weapon to cause injury for wounding his significant other, Jacquelyn Smith.

According to the wrongdoing sentenced, Keith could detain to life in jail in addition to three years. The judgment date is February 28, 2022.

Her significant other fiercely cut his better half to death and afterward made an intricate concealment plan to fainthearted fault homeless people for his horrendous assault.

Jacquelyn Smith Husband Jail Sentence Valeria Smith gave bogus declaration against her dad to get a diminished jail term. Valeria Smith was allowed a five-year prison term in December alongside three years of probation by a Baltimore City Circuit Court judge.

Addressing correspondents Thursday outside the Mitchell Courthouse, Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby said she was glad for the jury’s decision and crafted by policing.

On December 3, 2018, BPD analysts answered the Medical Examiner’s Office and were prompted that the person in question, Jacquelyn Smith, was wounded multiple times in the chest region and cut once on the lower right arm. After the post-mortem examination, the reason and way of death were managed a manslaughter by sharp power wounds.

On March 3, 2019, Keith Smith and his girl Valeria Smith were caught in Texas, around 20 miles from the Mexico line. Valeria Smith thusly conceded that the beggar story was a deception by Keith Smith and that she saw it when he killed Jacquelyn in Druid Hill Park.